Raising Awareness!

27 June 2022:

 HPM4HC Press Release

Competitions for Youths - Supported by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ

After the successful series of youth competitions, the Prevention Branch of Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children) is launching further competitions in the fields of Art, Sculpture, Music, and Essay writing. Our organization is also accepting nominations for Exemplary Youth in the field of Sport.

21 June 2022: A Hidden Tragedy that Could have been Avoided

English Version of HPM4HC Press Release

A Hidden Tragedy that Could have been Avoided

Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children) demands that public attention is given to tragedies similar to that of Nicholas Camilleri

12 May 2022: Coparenting

English Version of HPM4HC Press Release

Happy Parenting Malta’s 2022 seminar on 6 May 2022, organised at the Royal Hall of the AX Palace Hotel, brought together national and international coparenting thought leaders with a live transmission reaching 26 national coparenting organisations globally.

Coparenting is boosting children and gives many divorced or separated parents the ‘perfect balance’. It is the new normal in many parts of the world, and it is starting to reach Malta.

Happy Parenting Malta is committed to support all involved locally to make coparenting known.

Please reach out anytime HappyParentingMalta.com/seminar

29 April 2022: Invitation: Changes Needed For Family Well-Being: Seminar 2022

English Version of HPM4HC Press Release

Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children) takes pride in announcing as keynote speaker Honourable Philip Marcus, retired Israeli family court chief judge, consultant and lecturer focusing on family court reform and protecting the child-parent contact after separation. More than 20 experts are joining in the conversation:

29 April 2022: Femicide; not a mere gender issue

English Version of HPM4HC Press Release

Domestic Violence is one of the scourges of society. However, it is innately wrong and biased for it to be portrayed as a one-sided issue, where the man is always the abuser.

11 April 2022: 2022 04 25 Silent Vigil on International Parental Alienation Awareness Day

English Version of HPM4HC Press ReleaseMaltese Version of HPM4HC Press Release

Happy Parenting - Malta (for Happier Children) [HMP4HC] is urging our Government and Institutions to further the alleviation of Parental Alienation (PA); too many children, parents and extended families are suffering from professionally mismanaged separations.

April 25th at 19:30, in front of the Corradino Correctional Facility, Raħal Ġdid Paola, Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children) organises Malta’s first ‘VIGIL FOR VICTIMS OF PARENTAL ALIENATION’, to highlight the urgent need to enact Parental Alienation.

13 March 2022: 2022 Parental Alienation in Electoral Manifestos

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Happy Parenting - Malta (for Happier Children) [HMP4HC] reports on the uptake of Parental Alienation in the PL manifesto. HPM4HC has made various recommendations regarding changes in both the family law and family court procedures for over three years.

The proposals will strengthen children in separating households, furthering their right to enjoy the presence and love of both parents. The proposals lessen the fear and insecurity that are creating financial and psychological stress escalating to mental health issues, sometimes ending with drastic permanent consequences.

24 January 2022:

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2022 Proposals for a Discussion on amendments in the Law and improvements to the Family Court procedures

Proposti 2022 għal tibdil fil-Liġi u Titjib fil-Proċedura tal-Qorti tal-Familja

15 November 2021: 2525 Invitations to the 2021 - Parental Alienation - National Awareness Campaign

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Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children) has sent 2525 directed email invitations, requesting participation in the 2021 Parental Alienation awareness campaign.

A lot has happened since the 2020 “Black Christmas” edition of the Parental Alienation awareness campaign. Earlier this year, April 17th, we hosted Malta’s First International Expert Seminar on Parental Alienation. The Maltese Family Court started ordering change of residence in cases where parental alienation needs addressing. Our voluntary organisation has been attracting both more volunteers and members in need of support.

For the 2021 PA awareness campaign, we have expanded the invitation list to include all parishes, all local councils and all NGOs, in Malta and Gozo. Upholding the belief that «Children Need Both Parents», we work to ensure all get to know about what lies behind Parental Alienation, and the controversies in Malta and abroad.

In the coming weeks, we keep you up to date with the progress about participation. Our members, and the public in general, can sign up for recordings in councils and parishes, or join us on an NGO or celebrity video shoot.

Support the alleviation of Parental Alienation - by supporting our voluntary organisation operation: find donation details on our website. Visit HappyParentingMalta.com/aware2021 to follow up the awareness campaign about Parental Alienation on social media.

20 September 2021: Open Day + Art Exhibition Dar Christine

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Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children) is inviting the public with an Open Day and Art Exhibition to “Dar Christine” Wistin Camilleri Street, Victoria, Gozo. The shelter and therapy centre Dar Christine is intended to eventually offer support to families in distress because of Parental Alienation (PA)... Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children) qed tistieden lill-pubbliku għal Open Day u Wirja tal-Arti f’ “Dar Christine” Triq Wistin Camilleri, Victoria, Għawdex. Iċ-Ċentru ta' kenn u terapija Dar Christine huwa maħsub biex eventwalment joffri appoġġ lill-familji f'każijiet ta’ Parental Alienation (PA)...

01 September 2021: The Statue of my daughter Christine Gauci is completed

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Friday 3rd September, the birthday of my late daughter Christine, will see the completion of her statue which has just been finished at the Joserosand Art Studio in Hal-Qormi... Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 3 ta’ Settembru propju fil-jum li fih binti Christine tagħlaq żmienha, fil-Joserosand Art Studio Ħal-Qormi, se jkun hemm l-istatwa li issa tinsab kompluta...

20 August 2021: The Family Court ordered change of Residence of Children, as part of Reunification Programme, Therapy in Cases of Parental Alienation

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Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children) HPM4HC tinnota d-direzzjoni riċenti li ngħatat mill-Qorti Tal-Familja li ordnat it-tibdil ta’ residenza tat-tfal minn ma’ ġenitur għal mal-ġenitur l-ieħor.
Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children) HPM4HC notes with appreciation the recent direction given by the Family Court when ordering Change of Residence from one parent’s home to the other parent’s...

05 July 2021: Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children) Launches Initiatives and Competitions for Youth

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HPM4HC għandha żewġ taqsimiet, waħda dwar Parental Alienation u oħra...
HPM4HC has 2 main sections, one focussing on Parental Alienation issues and the other...

04 July 2021: "Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children) is resuming its courses in collaboration with Local Councils This summer the courses are being sponsored by Gżira Local Council"

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Il-Klabb Soċjali jinkludi fih korsijiet qosra dwar suġġetti...
The Social Club organises events and short courses about....

01 May 2021: Malta's First National Awareness Campaign on Parental Alienation

Watch HPm4HC raising awareness around Malta on Parental Alienation

Watch our IPAAD 2021 Feature video providing highlights of our campaigning: Malta’s First National Awareness Campaign on Parental Alienation.

17 April 2021: Malta's First International Expert Seminar on Parental Alienation

Raising Awareness!

01 May 2021: Press Release: National Awareness Campaign on Parental Alienation

Watch HPm4HC raising awareness around Malta on Parental Alienation

Watch our IPAAD 2021 Feature video providing highlights of our campaigning: Malta’s First National Awareness Campaign on Parental Alienation.

17 April 2021: Press Release: Malta's First International Expert Seminar on Parental Alienation

Volunteers & Members

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Only fill out the Membership form if you wish to become a member
of the Maltese NGO 'Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children)'
Get in touch!

30/11/2022, 08:51:46