FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Titlesta l-Istatwa ta’ binti Christine Gauci Mary Gauci President Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children) Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 3 ta’ Settembru propju fil-jum li fih binti Christine tagħlaq żmienha, fil-Joserosand Art Studio Ħal-Qormi, se jkun hemm l-istatwa li issa tinsab kompluta, kulur il-bronż. L-istatwa se tinġarr lejn Għawdex biex titqiegħed u tiġi inawgurata aktar tard bħala monument quddiem Dar Christine fil-Belt Victoria. Jien flimkien mal-familjari u mal-artist Charlo Spiteri Magri nistiednu lil kulħadd: lill-ex-kollegi, ħbieb, membri ta’ Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children), u lill-media biex iżżuru l-istatwa ta’ Christine nhar il-Ġimgħa matul il-ġurnata kollha. Min jixtieq jiġi, ċemplu lili 77603330 jew lil Charlo 79327020 jew ibagħtu email lil 1 ta 'Settembru 2021 =================================================== FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Statue of my daughter Christine Gauci is completed Mary Gauci President Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children) Friday 3rd September, the birthday of my late daughter Christine, will see the completion of her statue which has just been finished at the Joserosand Art Studio in Hal-Qormi. It is in bronze colour. The statue will be transported to Gozo, placed in front of ‘Dar Christine’ in Victoria, and inaugurated later on as a monument. Together with sculptor Charlo Spiteri Magri, my family and I would like to invite everyone – ex-colleagues, friends, members of our entity Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children), the media – to visit the Joserosand Art Studio and see the monument at any time next Friday. Those who would like to visit please phone me on 77603330 or Charlo on 79327020, or send me an email at September 1st, 2021